Covid Coaster


Its been a roller (COVID) coaster....

Hi guys,as i'm typing this i'm starting to feel human again and not like a Koala . After contracting Covid at the beginning of JUNE the past month has almost been a bit of a blur as far as running my business was concerned. After having been closed for 5 months this is most definitely the most challenging time i've had in my 16 years in business. I've experienced severe fatigue and every hour i worked was a battle. Donna had slipped a disc the week previous and was also unable to work.

I would like to apologise to anyone that we let down in regards to their appointment waiting time or that may have been over looked as a result of my absence. I'm looking forward to returning to full health and look forward to a busy and fruitful summer 2021.

I couldn't have managed without the hard work of Aoife my right hand woman and i would like to thank her for keeping the door open during my recovery. Its no easy task doing 3 peoples work by yourself.

On a high note anyone that remembers my little sister Michelle helping me out years ago in the salon, she got married to the man of her dreams on Thursday 1st July on a Glorious day at The Red Door in Fahan and Aoife and myself had the amazing job of her hair and make up. Attached is a photo, you would never guess I'm the proud big sister.


It`s been a while
